

We have no obligation under the law to respond to a public records request that is not made in accordance with these written procedures and instructions.

任何 阿拉巴马州的居民 希望从阿拉巴马州社区学院系统实体查看或获取公共记录的副本,应提交公共记录请求,并正确填写 公开纪录表格 并将其正确地交给该机构的公共记录官,或者通过 

  • 按所提供的地址寄交公职人员
  • 邮寄地址为上述公职人员提供的地址
  • 电邮至所提供的地址予公职人员

收到手工递送的物品, 邮寄, or e邮寄 public records request occurs when the request is actually received by 公职人员. 已读电子邮件收据, 挂号信收据, or similar signed postage receipt shall be prima facie evidence of receipt by 公职人员.


Lyneisa Dotson
P.O. 227箱

一般规则: Every 阿拉巴马州的居民 has a right to inspect and take a copy of any public record of this state, unless exempted from disclosure under law or unless he/she fails to follow these procedures/instructions.

豁免披露: 根据法律规定免于披露的公共记录和文件内容, 包括但不限于:

  • 公职人员或公职人员在保密情况下收到的信息;
  • 包含敏感人事记录的资料;
  • 正在进行刑事调查;
  • 因预计会发生诉讼或可能发生诉讼而收到的信息;
  • Records which, if released, would be detrimental to the best interests of the public;
  • 其他获法定豁免的记录(例如FERPA).
  • Records and information protected under the attorney-client privilege; and
  • Records subject to legal discovery methods provided under applicable rules of court procedure, 对未决或威胁的诉讼的任何一方, 西装, 或程序(见阿拉巴马法典36-12-46);
  • Registration and circulation records from any ACCS college and information concerning the use of any ACCS college library. 但, 未成年子女(19岁以下学生)的家长有权查阅(但不得复印)与子女有关的任何学院或大学图书馆的登记和流通记录.
  • 有关安全计划、程序的记录. 评估、措施. 或系统. and any other records relating to or having an impact upon the security or safety of persons, 结构, 设施. 或者其他基础设施, including without limitation information concerning critical infrastructure defined at 42 U.S.C. §5195c (e)和关键能源基础设施信息,在18℃定义.F.R. § 3S8.113(c), the public disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to be detrimental to the public safety or welfare.



标准请求被定义为:公共记录请求,寻求一个或多个具体和分散识别的公共记录,公职人员认为,考虑到识别和检索任何响应记录以及编辑或采取其他措施扣留受法律保护的信息所需的时间,处理这些记录所需的工作人员时间少于8小时. 一个标准的请求应该不需要或只需要很少的澄清.

实质性答复定义为:对公共记录请求的答复,阐述公职人员对请求实质内容的最终立场. 本术语包括但不限于以下全部或部分内容:

  • a. 作为附件或附件提供的公共记录的声明.
  • b. A statement that access to the requested public records will be provided at a set time, 的地方, 和地点在正常营业时间或在一个时间, 的地方, 在正常营业时间内或在同一时间内, 的地方, 以及公职人员和请求者共同同意的地点.
  • (2024年10月1日生效)
  • c. A statement that 公职人员 is prepared to provide the requested public records to the requester upon payment of a reasonable, 指定的费用.
  • d. 拒绝请求并说明理由的声明.
  • e. A statement that denies the request on the grounds that the requested public record does not exist within the government agency.
  • f. A statement that denies the request for failure to substantially complete a standard request form.
  • g. A statement that denies the request for failure to substantially comply with the written procedures established by 公职人员 for such request.
  • h. A statement that denies the request because the records sought are not public or exempted or not subject to disclosure.


对标准请求进行响应, 公职人员, 或其指定人员, 应:

  1. 在收到请求后的10个日历日内,以电子邮件或地址向请求人确认适当的请求,并可要求请求人支付公职人员规定的合理费用,然后请求人才能收到任何公共记录, 如果有任何. 如果公职人员选择收取费用, 公职人员 shall notify the requester of the estimated fee and withhold any public records until receipt of payment; and then
  2. Provide a substantive response either fulfilling or denying a proper request within 15 business days of acknowledging receipt. 公职人员 may extend this period in 15-business-day increments upon written notice to the requester, but 公职人员 should process a standard request as expeditiously as possible considering the requester's time constraints, 公职人员的工作量, 以及请求的性质.

There shall be a rebuttable presumption that a proper standard request has been denied by 公职人员 if (a) a substantive response is not provided to the standard request within the earlier of 30 business days or 60 calendar days following acknowledgment of receipt by 公职人员; or (b) the public records are not produced within the earlier of 30 business days or 60 calendar days following the payment of the estimated fees to 公职人员.

There shall be no presumption that a proper standard request has been denied if (a) 公职人员 has responded in part; or (b) 公职人员 and requester have reached an agreement regarding the time or substance, 或两个, of the response; or (c) good faith negotiations are ongoing between 公职人员 and the requester; or (d) 公职人员 has reasonably communicated the status of the request to the requester.

(1)在指定该请求为时间密集型请求时或前后, 公职人员 shall make a record in a log maintained for keeping track of currently pending time-intensive requests. 对于每个当前等待的请求, 日志应标识请求者的名称, 请求的一般主题, and the date of acknowledgment; the log shall be a confidential document that is not subject to disclosure except pursuant to proper discovery methods provided discoverable pursuant to proper discovery methods provided under applicable rules of procedure.
(2) 公职人员 may require the requester to pay a reasonable fee set by 公职人员 before providing a substantive response to the requester. 公职人员 shall notify the requester in advance of any likely fees and shall withhold any substantive response until receipt of payment.
(3) 公职人员 shall acknowledge the request within 10 calendar days of receiving the request.
(4) 公职人员 shall notify the requester within 15 business days after acknowledging receipt that the request qualifies as a time-intensive request. 当时, 公职人员须将任何可能的费用通知请求人,并允许请求人撤回耗时的请求,并提交一项并非耗时的新请求. 如果请求者选择继续执行时间密集型请求, 在请求人选择继续他或她耗时的请求后的45个工作日内,公职人员应提供实质性答复,满足或拒绝请求. 公职人员 may extend this period in 45-business-day increments by notifying the requester in writing.
There shall be a rebuttable presumption that a proper time-intensive request has been denied by 公职人员 if: (a) A substantive response is not provided within the earlier of 180 business days or 270 calendar days following the requester's election to proceed with a time-intensive request; or (b) The records are not produced within the earlier of 180 business days or 270 calendar days following the payment of the estimated fees to 公职人员.
There shall be no presumption that a proper time-intensive request has been denied if (a) 公职人员 has responded in part; or (b) 公职人员 and requester have reached an agreement regarding the time or substance, 或两个, of the response; or (c) good faith negotiations are ongoing between 公职人员 and the requester; or (d) 公职人员 has reasonably communicated the status of the request to the requester.


  • 复印费(.前100张50美分 .25美分后100)和/或
  • 实际数字存储成本(磁盘,驱动器或其他类似项目)和/或
  • 实际邮寄费用,如不是由请求人领取,及/或
  • 研究费用(单个或单个记录请求25美元)和/或
  • personnel cost (When staff time and other resources would impose an undue burden on the institution’s financial resources or available staff time, additional charges may be assessed when the search for requested documents and/or reproduction consumed more than two hours of employee’s time.)
  • 任何 of these fees which are estimated must be paid in advance prior to the production of the records requested.

If a public officer responds to a request by seeking clarification or additional information to a standard request or time-intensive request, 本节规定的时间表应被计算,并在公职人员收到所要求的澄清或附加信息后重新开始,就像请求者提交了新的请求一样.

公职人员就任何特定请求寻求澄清或补充信息的决定,不应视为该公职人员放弃就其他请求寻求澄清或补充信息的权利, 未来的请求.

A request made pursuant to the Open Record Act must identify the requested public record with reasonable specificity. A public officer shall not be obligated to respond to a public records request that is vague, 模棱两可的, 过于广泛, 或者范围不合理.

A public officer shall not be required to create a new public record if the requested record does not already exist. ACCS实体不需要创建文档, 编制资料, 或者准备尚未创建的报告, 编译, 或在正常业务过程中准备的.

A public officer shall not be required to respond to requests that seek information or other materials that are not public records. No ACCS entity is required to respond to oral or written questions under Alabama’s Open Records laws. No ACCS entity is required to respond to requests for interviews under Alabama’s Open Records laws.


An ACCS entity is not required to reproduce information published or otherwise generally available to the public, 例如在该机构的网站或其他国家机构网站上.
公职人员, 或其指定人员, 是否会合理地仔细搜索所要求的记录.
